Pakistan ki naqli masnooat ki sanat By Talat Hussain

talat hussain

Pakistan i naqli masnooat ki sanat By Talat Hussain

Source: Express News

Must Read Urdu column Pakistan ki naqli masnooat ki sanat By Talat Hussain

1 Comment
  1. Taimur Tareen says

    As per your advice I saw Javed Hashmi speech again. I could not make any head or tail. Probably one has to have a biased mind against IK to understand. However i noticed one thing, J H has all his life been changing loyalties. He will stick with one only when he is taken as the top leader. Unfortunately he has gone too old for that.
    Also, when are you, Shah Ji, searching your soul to speak the truth?

    Taimur Tareen

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