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Javed Chaudhry

You can read latest columns of Javed Chaudhry on this page. Urdu columns of Javed Chaudhry are updated on daily bases with latest views and words on different aspects of the world including political and country’s situation.

Marshal Law ya Anarchy- Javed Chaudhry

Urdu Columns of Javed Chaudhry - Javed Chaudhry has analyzed the performance of PML-N and PPP in the light of Election results of Punjab Assembly constituency of PP-34. Javed raised the question that how these two political parties will…

Darwazay Khol Dein – Javed Chaudhry

Urdu Columns of Javed Chaudhry - Javed Chaudhry had attended convention of Jamiatul Rasheed and inspired to see their discipline. He concluded that our educational institutes are better than what western media has shown the image to world.