Ahsaas e sharmindgi by Saleem Safi

Saleem Safi

Ahsaas e sharmindgi by Saleem Safi

Ahsaas e sharmindgi by Saleem Safi2

Source: Jung News

Read Urdu column Ahsaas e sharmindgi by Saleem Safi

  1. Taimur Tareen says

    Safi, you are right. Enemy of Pakhtoon is a Pakhtoon, ie YOU. You are disgracing FATA people and Pakhtoon but are excluding yourself from them. So you think you are an exception. What a self conceitedness!
    You are complaining these FATA people are indulging in monkey trading. How about yourself? Haveyou not traded yourself by accepting lifafas from NS ?
    I feel ashamed that you happen to be a Pakhtoon.

    Taimur USA

  2. Khalid Rao says


    I found you always cursing either Punjabi or Pakhtoon,your words are understandable s but you always writing an telling the people that this happened an that is going to happen.You the journalist are not awakening the nation but are making the blood pressure high.You all never give any solution,but open the pendora box that is what you people put in front of the poor an normal people.The thugs of the nation never bother about you or me ,as they will notice if there is someone bold enough to bring them behind the bars

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