Aik Khat sab k liye by talat Hussain

talat hussain

Aik Khat sab k liye by talat Hussain

Source: Express News

Must Read Urdu column Aik Khat sab k liye by talat Hussain

1 Comment
  1. M.A.Choudhry says

    It is extremely disturbing and shocking .Thank god Allah has protected your family and you.If I write my Spontaneous reaction I could be hanged so I repeat my simle suggestion for absolute security for all.One simple ordinance.
    Henceforth possession of any arm capable of causing any harm to a human is banned.It must be surrendered to nearest Military Depot in one week.Anyone not complying or found violating will face death squad with orders to kill any one or all involved.

    Only budnayat will oppose it. Otherwise wait for your turn.Regads.

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