Bachgana sayasat By Haroon ur Rasheed


Bachgana sayasat By Haroon ur Rasheed

Must Read Urdu column Bachgana sayasat By Haroon ur Rasheed
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  1. M.A.Choudhry says

    I have repeatedly suggested the following.
    A.Declare mid Nov 2015 time for Next election. b.Meanwhile expedite the Election Reforms and other related arrangements C.there should be enough time for MLn to reestablish qualit governance. D.this will provide a challenge to all parties and Insha Allah settle these petty matters for all time to come.
    Khan and Qadri should show that much patience at least .

    1. Khalid Rao says

      No body wanted to bring down the government,but there must be a solid control on spending and perks for the relative those are not even able to come on a normal merit .The policy of PPPP scratch MLN back and MLN scratch PPPP back must be stopped as now these two are not the only in the country. MLN must start what they said in the election to say thief is a thief ,fraud is fraud,everything will calm down only then otherwise people will not stop now.

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