Bhai sahib ankhen kholen By Javed Chaudhry

Bhai sahib ankhen kholen By Javed Chaudhry

Source: Express News

Must Read Urdu column Bhai sahib ankhen kholen By Javed Chaudhry

1 Comment
  1. Ashraf Choudhry says

    It is time for all the Sahafees to get together provided they have real love for the country and organise special academies to specially prepare middle class ,honest,devoted yong ,enthusiastic volunteers for next elections.
    They must be taught the political history,parliamentary formalities by showing specially chosen videos. They must be tested as members,ministers etc for provincial as well as federal positions.A manifesto must be developed with policies ,strategies and targets for all the ministeries and how to control and get the best out of bureocracy?
    The campaign for elections if developed properly will ensure complete success and will get rid of the filth for all time to come.
    Enough has been written but has been of no use.
    Make a new political party and have a clean and decent start. Create the awareness and response will be beyond any ones imaginations.There is nothing better to compensate.Best of luck.

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