Har system ka noha By Hassan Nisar



Har system ka noha By Hassan Nisar

Source: Jung News

Read Urdu column Har system ka noha By Hassan Nisar

1 Comment
  1. Khalid Rao says

    Hasan It is very good you people write down for the masses those are reading your article .I think now the time has passed ,writer like you and anchors are many but where is the change .It is very difficult that you can convince the people because the voter are not illiterate only but are empty from the top even if they are well educated .They are not negligent only but are wastage of time and money.At the time of vote 50% of voter are irresponsible,negligent,careless not nationalist at all.I have only one solution to this horrible problem that we must cease the voting rights of these criminals those are electing the same again n again.

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